My name is Yujie Wu. My contact information is here.
Starting fall 2024, I am a fifth year graduate student in the math department at Stanford University. My advisor is Otis Chodosh.
I am applying for postdoc positions starting in fall 2025.
My research area is Differential Geometry, Analysis and PDEs. In particular, I am interested in minimal (hyper)surfaces; I have recently worked on projects that study how the ambient manifolds’ geometry (in particular their curvature assumptions) influence the topology and geometry of their immersed and embedded stable minimal (hyper)surfaces. I am also thinking about the Allen-Cahn equation and their relations to minimal surface theory.
You can find me on arxiv, Google Scholar and ORCiD.
“Construction of Harmonic Maps by MinMax Methods.” Download. Advisor: Tristan Rivière.
From $\mu$-bubble to $\theta$-bubble: Geometry of Mean Convex Manifolds with NNSC:
Capillary surfaces in manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature and strictly mean convex boundary:
Free boundary stable minimal hypersurfaces in positively curved 4-manifolds:
Teaching Assistant, Stanford University
Guide to Stanford introductory math courses.
Course Assistant, Stanford University
Course Assistant, ETH Zurich
SWIMM is a mentoring program pairing undergraduates interested in math and computational science with graduate student mentors from math, statistics, and ICME. We also host events, including study halls, dinners, and talks.